I Would Like To Keep

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I just realized, it sucks having a school right next to the place where all the Faggullos hang out. Oops, i meant Juggalos, or did i? My entire bane of existance are those faggots now lol and it makes me laugh. All they are are rejects with no friends that think they're cool because they got invited to a gang. That's all i wanted to say. Keep on rolling Faggulos!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Metaphorically speaking, I'll race you ;3. ready set go bitch lmfao

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Oh lordy, lordy, two projects are due soon. L.A is due on monday and Social on tuesday. Anyway, opinions are awesome. I think its fun to listen to other peoples opinions, even when they are stupid opinions. As some people said to me on friday, my opinion about Terry Fox was stupid but whatever it's an opinion! I didn't say it was a good one :3. People are entitled to express their opinion whenever they want, but I understand that opinions aren't always good. Case closed

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sorry Guys

Sorry guys I ran out of ideas to post for now :3

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Teens Are So Absent

Teenagers are so absent from the real world when they want to be. This obviously includes me :D. The proof of this is that we went by a couple of 14 year olds in the bus today and one of them was carrying a mayor sign. We must of said "PUT THE SIGN DOWN" at least 5 times and the kid and his buddies didn't even acknowledge that we were there. COMPLETELY UNRELATED TO WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT: Here is a video i made like last year of me playing COD2. Enjoy!
Edit: I'm too lazy to watch a frickin video upload so W/E. post something below!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"...Like an Ice Cream Stick

Great song, great song. It's name escapes me but if you search "Girl you suck my D*ck like an Ice Cream Stick" and Blood On The Dance Floor, it should some up fairly quickly. BTW i know it isnt my regular posting time but I was at the volleyball game, give me a break. They tied the game ( : ( ) but w/e it was still a good game. Ugh, we have way too many projects going on right now. From what I know, we have a social project, an L.A project, and some people (including me) have health projects x.x. Way too much going on in the fourth or fifth week of school. Now don't get me wrong, I love projects, but I like to keep it to one project at a time so I can be thorough with the project (especially projects that involve movies). Post your opinions!


Monday, September 27, 2010

Shit Changes

Have you ever had one of those moments where you tell somebody something then immediately think "oh i shouldn't of said that". And then a drastic change is made, for example a friendship or relationship. Well I've noticed that the GATE class has a lot of those lately. I am not going to go into details but seriously, I see a lot of that. Anyway I don't really think anything happened today that was necessarily public to the whole class, but I'm sure a lot of private things happened, especially during the weekend ;3. If you want, post something interesting you did this weekend, discretion is not required :3. Also, if you want, post something you've really wanted to do for so long but you won't because you aren't sure what trouble you will get into. Again, discretion is optional!


Sunday, September 26, 2010


Ladies and gentlemen, this has been a stalemate. Shit happens, sometimes good, sometimes bad. There was a slight disagreement between me and a high school student by the name of Jared, which was made evident in the last post's comments. Shortly after reading the first comment that was made (you guys cant see it) i was curious to who it was. I went to his site and did some investigating, and upon reading the first post, and the comments he has made, i had figured it out. Everything made sense. What stemmed out from there can only be named as a argument. you dont really need to hear the details. Anyway, a few days later i decided to go back to his site to see whats going on. and i see a very interesting post titles "seriously?". as im reading i see something very interesting: Attention CIA:  I suggest you put Donovon Nemeth on your watchlists. He is pretty much Hitler and the Antichrist rolled into one good ol’ fleshy blob of human! thanks buddy. really appriciate it. Who doesnt love being called Hitler and the Antichrist? Anyway i talked to kirarin, and she had him remove it from his site, partly because everybody can see it, he put my full name, where i live, and my email. That can ruin my hopes for a future career and life right there bro. But i appriciate you taking that down right away and i apoligize for the disagreement. Later Bro.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Lol i know it isnt my regular posting time but i absolutely have to post this. Some dude (or chick, im not sure) called AmpleObservations decides to comment on a post saying "is this really what the GATE class spiraled to?" and saying a bunch moar stuff. First off dude, what are you talking about? we made a fucking blog, deal with it. Second off, how the hell do you know who we are? we could live in mexico for all you know, unless you are somebody we used to know or know now. and lastly, your retarded insults and comments are falling on deaf ears because honestly im sure some of us dont give a fuck!

PS: Hey retard, being in the GATE class doesnt mean we're smart, it means we think differently and analyze things differently, so whats wrong with us creating a blog to express ourselves? lmfao you make me laugh


NM to post O.o

Whooptey Dingle Doo. I don't really have much to post today but w/e. I'm gonna start a week long poll so dont forget to vote for your choice! We have no homework or anything! Task: Put what you plan to do this weekend in the comments!

            From Mexico with Tacos,

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Minimum Has Been Reached!

Hooray, the minimum number of people has been reached! That means that i'm gonna start posting relevent stuff now! OMG! Okay where to start: now that there are 10 followers, I'm gonna be starting to put up polls! The first one will highlight some complaints that I have recieved from a couple people in the GATE class. It is the Music Player. I'm gonna hold a poll to determine whether we should get rid of it, replace it, or keep it. But enough of that! Oh my god the screaming kid outside science was goddamn hilarious. Thats my sadistic side talking. Congratulations to the FootBall team that claims that they were undefeated this week lol. Um what else... oh yes.  Yo Mama jokes are funny, The GATE Class is awesome, and everybody else except for a couple people SUCKS WANG!
Homework: Science BrainPop Page

From Russia With Love,

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

5 more people in one day... i think

Me again! : D. since my last post i believe 5 people have joined which is pretty gudgud. the time is 4:05 PM, which is about the time of my last post, and hopefully this time will be set solid. So check the blog at around 4 or 4 30 to see new posts. I've added some stuff since yesterday. The music player and some other pages are new. There will be a poll coming up soon so pay attention <3. Thanks

Homework: Social Map due tomorrow i believe, i think thats it. Post anything else in the comments. Peace!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Lmao hey guys its me, just wanted to thank the 5 people that have joined this so far. Once more people (5 more?) follow the blog ill start posting. As you can see i got my computer back, through vigorous negotiations lasting 10 seconds. Perhaps ill post that later. Now im not sure how you guys want this to work: we can do this 2 ways, i can be the only author (i can only post and you can comment), or i think i can set you all as authors, BUT if i do that no spam or completely unrelated posts or i will remove priviliges.
Homework For Today: LA Dictionary Work due tomorrow, Science Late Title Pages ;), Science Topic 1 Worksheet (ty Yasmaster) <3

Yours truly,