I Would Like To Keep

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Minimum Has Been Reached!

Hooray, the minimum number of people has been reached! That means that i'm gonna start posting relevent stuff now! OMG! Okay where to start: now that there are 10 followers, I'm gonna be starting to put up polls! The first one will highlight some complaints that I have recieved from a couple people in the GATE class. It is the Music Player. I'm gonna hold a poll to determine whether we should get rid of it, replace it, or keep it. But enough of that! Oh my god the screaming kid outside science was goddamn hilarious. Thats my sadistic side talking. Congratulations to the FootBall team that claims that they were undefeated this week lol. Um what else... oh yes.  Yo Mama jokes are funny, The GATE Class is awesome, and everybody else except for a couple people SUCKS WANG!
Homework: Science BrainPop Page

From Russia With Love,


  1. i said i was gonna hold a poll. be patient

  2. fail? we dont have a football team? and i know a lot of peopl;e who dont suck wang outside of GATE....

  3. i was talking about our gym classes football team.


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