I Would Like To Keep

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Lmao hey guys its me, just wanted to thank the 5 people that have joined this so far. Once more people (5 more?) follow the blog ill start posting. As you can see i got my computer back, through vigorous negotiations lasting 10 seconds. Perhaps ill post that later. Now im not sure how you guys want this to work: we can do this 2 ways, i can be the only author (i can only post and you can comment), or i think i can set you all as authors, BUT if i do that no spam or completely unrelated posts or i will remove priviliges.
Homework For Today: LA Dictionary Work due tomorrow, Science Late Title Pages ;), Science Topic 1 Worksheet (ty Yasmaster) <3

Yours truly,


  1. You should set us all as authors. It'll be funner and more people will join if you do that.

  2. Ill hold a poll once enough people join

  3. Topic 1 worksheet: only up to question 7 is due tomorrow. Also, Digital Blasphemy DP ... nice. Harbinger? And I don't really mind which way we do the authoring, but I would like it if we could see comments on a post without clicking a link, if you can to that. Nice work! And for anyone who doesn't know yet, this is Robert.

  4. ty robert, im trying to figure out the comment deal but Blogger doesn't want to cooperate. Ill let ya know!

  5. okay as you can see, i put a recent comments bar at the top so it's easier to look at the comments without pressing the stupid link. Enjoy!

  6. Anymore would be better, but who do we currently have?
    Anyways it's me Albert~

  7. Thanks! Right now the stupid blocking software on my computer blocks it, but I'll try to get my dad to whitelist the site.

  8. yoyo AB! make sure you follow the site noob <3. and contradictory to my last comment, im not sure if safari is being a wang or the recent comments gadget is broken but it wont show any SUPER recent comments. Ill attempt to figure it out

  9. I got it.
    I think I'm following it.

  10. thanks bro you are. but im not done with you yet. whats the very top thing say in the recent comments gadget at the top?

  11. I dont see the recent comments,
    All I read is the:

    A Place For The Insanity Of GATE To Take Place Outside Of School

    and the title of this blog being

    GATE Happenings 2010-2011

  12. lol just deleted it, sorry im making so much changes to the blog.

  13. Right,
    Anyways, About the textbooks, I got em all on Pdf's. And I think I can print them all, or at least keep them to read.

  14. A Note to that, some may not respond and save to firefox, and vice versa to other browsers


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